Introducing the Miday Chrome Extension

December 6, 2023

Introducing the Miday Chrome Extension: Time Tracking Made Effortless

Exciting news for all Miday users! We're thrilled to introduce our latest feature that's set to enhance your productivity game: the Miday Chrome Extension. This nifty tool is more than just an add-on; it's your new best friend for time management.

Seamless Integration, Maximum Efficiency

The Miday Chrome Extension is designed to blend seamlessly with your daily browsing experience. Imagine being able to start and stop your time tracker without ever leaving your browser. That's the convenience we're talking about!

Focus More, Click Less

Let's face it, tracking time can sometimes be a bit of a hassle – especially when you're deep in the zone, tackling task after task. Our extension changes that narrative. With the Miday Chrome Extension, you're just one click away from accurately logging your hours. Spend less time clicking and more time doing what you do best.

Clock In and Out Directly from Chrome

Gone are the days of toggling between tabs to track time. With our extension, you can clock in and out of your Miday account's clients and tasks directly from Chrome. It's time tracking tailored to fit the fluidity of your work.

Exclusively for Miday Users

This extension is a special treat for our Miday community. It's crafted to ensure that our users get the most streamlined time tracking experience possible.

Get Started Today

Ready to enhance your time tracking experience? Download the Miday Chrome Extension here and take the first step towards a more efficient workday.

Stay tuned for more updates and features designed to make your freelance or agency life simpler and more productive. At Miday, we're committed to evolving with your needs.